after my latest Internet Explorer Upgrade on a Citrix XenApp 6.5 Farm on Windows 2008 R2 we discovered a problem with the persistence of the cookies. We need to persist the cookies for one of the applications so we are redirecting the cookies folder to a network share which worked great until our upgrade to Internet Explorer 11. The problem is that from IE 10 upwards, you have a webcachev01.dat file where some cookie settings are saved additionally under %LocalAppdata%\Microsoft\Windows\WebCache. The file is locked during the whole Citrix session by a scheduled task which runs on logon, so you couldn't copy it easily on logoff.
After some searching on the web (Thanks to: I have found the solution for the problem.
You have to do the following:
On Logoff:
- You have to stop the scheduled task with a custom PowerShell script
- Then mirror the folder to a network share.
- You have to stop the scheduled task with a custom powershell script
- Mirror the folder back from the network share.
- Start the scheduled task again with a PowerShell script.