07 May 2011

XenDesktop - Enable Shutdown after Use / Automatischer Neustart bei Streamed Desktops aktivieren


in XenDesktop 5 gibts es ja leider keinen schönen Haken mehr mit dem man bei gestreamten Clients aktivieren kann, dass diese nach dem Gebrauch neugestartet werden.
Die muss in XenDesktop 5 über die Powershell konfiguriert werden.
Wie immer gibts Hilfe in der Citrix Knowledgebase unter: http://support.citrix.com/article/CTX127842 oder in Worten:

  1. Start a PowerShell session on the XenDesktop 5 Controller by clicking the blue PowerShell icon on the taskbar or navigating to PowerShell through the Start Menu.
  2. Run the following command to load the Citrix modules.
    Add-PSSnapin Citrix.*
  3. Run the following command to list all of the Desktop Groups in the environment and their respective properties. The property you are concerned with is ShutdownDesktopsAfterUse.
  4. Run the following command to disable the restart of the desktop or use $true to enable it:
    Set-BrokerDesktopGroup -Name "Desktop Group Name" -ShutdownDesktopsAfterUse $False

P.S. I am writing my blog in german because that is my mother language but if there are english people you want to have a translated article, please leave a comment on the article

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