I want to give you a short how-to for passing through a parameter to a published Citrix XenApp Application.
I have tested this on XenApp 5 with Feature Pack 3 and Online Plugin 12.1.
- The first thing you have to do is changing your published application Location. Go to the command line and at the end of the executable type %** (without quotation marks) and click OK.
- On your client you could now fire up the published application with the parameters you want to have with the command line:
"C:\Program Files\Citrix\ICA Client\pnagent.exe" /QLaunch "FARMNAME:PUBLISHEDAPP" /param:"X:\test.txt"
You have to change the Farmname and Published Application Name and set the parameters under quotation marks.
Thats it and with this shortcut you could fire up your application with custom parameters.
Best Regards,
How would I use this to create a shortcut to open Citrix IE to a certain webpage?
Deleteyou could publish IE with an Homepage if you want to to that.
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe" "http://webserver/index.html"
Or you publish IE and add /param:"http://webserver/index.html" to your PNAgent link.