18 June 2012

AppSense - CCA on provisioned images


I have updated my AppSense Management Server last week to the latest version ( and had the problem after updating my Golden Images with the new CCA, that there was some weird behavior in the AMC, that some machines disappeared or showed status with 0% rolled out. After a short discussion the AppSense support gave me the solution.
It seems that something has changed in the 8.3.x CCA because at previous CCA updates I have installed the new CCA on the golden image and provisioned it again and it worked ok. With the new CCA you have to delete the group-id and machine-id of the CCA deployment and then provision the machine. So here is the correct process of updating the CCA:

  1. Install the latest CCA on the machine in Private image mode.
  2. Before provisioning the machine stop the service "AppSense Client Communications Agent"
  3. Now change the the following two registry keys to 0:
    • [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\AppSense Technologies\Communications Agent] "machine id"="{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}"
    • [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\AppSense Technologies\Communications Agent] "group id"="{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}"
With these steps all machines should show up correctly in your AMC.

Update: This is also applies for vmware linked clones. Thanks to Peter for this information.




  1. we are seeing a similar problem in our windows 7 golden image. are you seeing this outside of Citrix images?

  2. Hi,

    I only have provisioing with Citrix (no Linked Clones or something else. So yes I only see it with Citrix.


  3. This is also a problem for anyone using VMware View and linked clones. Applying the above changes fixes the issue.
